
Representative Director and Chairman Shinichiro Kushima
Representative Director and President Taishi Yoshioka
External Director Shota Wakiyama
External Director Tetsuya Notabe
Director(Audit & Supervisory Committee Member) Toshihiro Nomoto
External Director(Audit & Supervisory Committee Member) Takashige Araki
External Director(Audit & Supervisory Committee Member) Yuka Mitsue

Executive Officers

Senior Executive Officer Takeshi Nagano
Representative Director and President of MEIKO SHOKAI Co.,Ltd. ,President of MOS Co.,Ltd.
Senior Executive Officer Mikiko Abe
In charge of Business Planning Dept.
Executive Officer Toshiya Kobayashi
General Manager of Human Resources Dept.
In charge of General Affairs Dept.
In charge of System Planning Development Dept.
Executive Officer Satoru Eikawa
General Manager of Accounting Dept.
Executive Officer Keiji Inaba
Representative Director and President of NIPPON STRAW Co.,Ltd.
Executive Officer Taisuke Inoue
Representative Director and President of SYSTECH KYOWA Co.,Ltd.

Only some positions are listed if they concurrently serve as directors of group companies.
