Automatic Weighing Machine
Industry Share No.1
Plus One Techno Co.,LTD.
Plus One Techno Co., Ltd. was established in Onga-gun, Fukuoka Prefecture in November 1996. Since then, we have developed and commercialized a compact, high-speed, high- precision weighing machine dedicated to filling small quantities. Currently, our headquarters are located in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture. Our business is mainly engaged in the manufacture of weighing machines. We are proud of our holding top market share in the niche market of the fractional-unit light-weight area into which major weighing machine companies do not enter. We are also proud of maintaining the No. 1 market share in the pipe feeder-type automatic weighing machine industry. This is used in our production lines for products that are integral to our lives, such as instant foods and pet foods.
Products are individually made to order and are developed and improved according to our customer’s production lines. Our products have been introduced not only to factories across the Japan, but also to factories overseas. We precisely grasp the needs of our customers, implement the Japanese concept of monozukuri with our deeply held technology, and provide services.
Pipe-feeder Unit -
Examples of Corresponding Work
(From top left: rice seasoning, chopped seaweed, grain, powder)