1.We comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan and all other relevant laws and ordinances and take necessary and appropriate measures for the safe management of all personal information retained.
We have organizational, human, physical, and technological measures in place to safely manage the personal information that we handle and prevent unauthorized disclosure, loss, damage, or abuse. We take necessary and appropriate measures in light of the degree of harm done to the rights and interests of the individual in the event of unauthorized disclosure, loss, damage, or abuse of personal information, the risks arising due to the nature of our business and the treatment of personal information, and the nature of the media onto which personal information is recorded.
2.We have internal manuals and other documents for the protection of personal information and these documents are subject to ongoing improvements and updates.
3.We do not use deception or other inappropriate means to obtain personal information and we endeavor to identify and explicitly state the purposes for which personal information will be used.
We will publish purposes of use at any time we obtain the personal information or change purposes of use, and will explicitly indicate purposes of use to the individual in advance when obtaining personal information in writing directly from individuals. However, this may be omitted when the purposes of use are deemed to be clear from the way in which information is acquired or when there are other justifiable reasons. Any changes in purposes of use are required to be within a scope reasonably deemed to be relevant to the original purposes of use.
4.We in principle handle personal information only within the scope of predefined purposes of use.
We do not handle personal information outside of the scope required to achieve predefined purposes of use without the prior consent of the individual except in cases where there are justifiable grounds under relevant laws and ordinances and cases in which it is difficult to obtain the individual’s consent.
5.We endeavor to maintain accurate and up-to-date personal data.
6.We do not furnish personal data to third parties without the consent of the individual except in cases where there are justifiable grounds.
We furnish personal data to third parties other than subsidiaries, service providers and partners, and entities succeeding to the relevant businesses of the company or the company’s subsidiaries only when deemed necessary under relevant laws and ordinances or for the protection of human life, limb or property, the improvement of public health, or the sound development of children, and only when it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
7.We appropriately supervise our employees and service providers to ensure that personal information is protected.
8.We appropriately respond to requests from individuals for the disclosure, correction, and termination of use of retained personal data.
We disclose retained personal data to individuals when so requested except in cases where doing so would significantly impair the appropriate execution of the business of the company or when there are other justifiable grounds for refusal.
In the event that the content of retained personal data is contrary to fact, we will correct, add to, or delete retained personal data within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use when so requested by the individual.
In the event that retained personal data is used in violation of the restrictions on purposes of use, is obtained using inappropriate means, or is furnished to third parties in violation of applicable laws and ordinances, we will terminate the use of and/or delete retained personal data and terminate the provision of retained personal data to third parties when so requested by the individual and to the extent required to remedy the violation. However, we may substitute other measures for the protection of the rights and interests of the individual when it is difficult to terminate use, etc.
9.We receive requests for the disclosure, correction, termination of use of personal information, etc. and inquiries for its handling through the following contact point:
General Affairs Department, Mitsui Matsushima Holdings Co., Ltd.
Otemon Pine Bldg. 10F 1-1-12 Otemon Chuo-ku,
Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka 810-8527
Tel: +81-92-771-2171 (general), Fax: +81-92-726-3267